Golf Universe

What Is Better Ball in Golf?

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What Is Better Ball in Golf?

Better Ball in golf, also known as Best Ball, is a competition format where two-player teams compete against each other, with the best individual score from each team counting as the collective score for that hole. This format encourages teamwork while still highlighting individual strengths.

Understanding Better Ball in Golf

Better Ball in golf, commonly referred to as Best Ball, is a popular team-based competition format that pairs two players together. During each hole, both team members play their individual balls, and the best score of the two teammates is recorded as the team’s score for that hole. This enables golfers to work as a cohesive unit while accentuating their individual talents.

How Better Ball Works

In Better Ball, both golfers on a team tee off and proceed to play their own ball throughout the hole. Once they have finished the hole, the player with the lowest score records their score as the team’s collective score for that hole. The process is repeated across all 18 holes, calculating the team’s total by combining their best scores on each hole.

Handicap Adjustments

Handicap systems are often utilized in Better Ball to level the playing field for golfers with varying skill levels. Players are assigned a handicap based on their skill, which is subtracted from their gross score to produce a net score. In this scenario, the better net score of the two players is recorded as the team’s score for that hole.

Strategic Play in Better Ball

Even though each player is competing individually, strategic cooperation between teammates can be vital to success in Better Ball. Both aggressive and conservative playstyles can be employed, with players complementing their partner’s strategy to increase the chances of securing a better hole score. Effective team communication also plays a significant role in successful Better Ball partnerships.

Benefits of Better Ball

Better Ball provides numerous advantages to golfers, making it a favored choice among casual and competitive players alike. Some of the benefits include:

  • Encouragement of teamwork and camaraderie
  • Opportunity for players of varying skill levels to compete together
  • Reduced pressure on individual performance
  • Faster pace of play due to time saved by not waiting on teammates

Better Ball Tournaments and Events

Many golf clubs and organizations host Better Ball tournaments to attract players of all skill levels. These events foster camaraderie among players and offer a more relaxed atmosphere compared to stroke play competitions. To participate, it’s essential to stay updated on local golf clubs and tournament organizers that may host Better Ball events. Golf Universe, a blog about golf, offers excellent resources to keep you informed about upcoming golf events and tournaments in your area.

Better Ball and Scramble: What’s the Difference?

Despite some similarities, Better Ball should not be confused with Scramble, another popular team-based golf format. In a Scramble, both teammates tee off but then select the best shot of the two and proceed to both play their next shots from that precise spot. This process continues until the ball is holed. Scramble’s format emphasizes team cooperation in every shot, while Better Ball focuses on each player’s individual performance and the best score among the two.

Final Thoughts on Better Ball Strategy

Success in Better Ball requires solid teamwork, communication, and a complimentary playstyle between partners. When playing Better Ball, it’s helpful to focus on each other’s strengths and collaborate on strategy throughout the round. To further enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this format, the team at Golf Universe offers tips, insights, and equipment recommendations to help you and your partner excel in Better Ball competitions and other golf events.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that our readers may have some questions related to Better Ball in golf. Here, we’ve addressed the most common queries to help clarify some important aspects of this exciting golf format:

1. Can Better Ball be played with more than two players per team?

Yes, while the standard format of Better Ball involves teams of two players, variations can include teams with three or four players. In these cases, the best individual score among all team members is used as the team’s score for each hole.

2. How do my partner and I decide on our Better Ball strategy?

Discuss each other’s strengths and weaknesses before the round begins, and agree upon which situations would benefit from a more aggressive or conservative approach. Effective communication and collaboration between you and your partner will be the key to a successful strategy in Better Ball.

3. How do I find a Better Ball tournament near me?

Stay updated with local golf club news, and inquire about upcoming tournaments or events involving Better Ball. You can also keep informed by following golf blogs, like Golf Universe, which provide information on various golf events, including Better Ball tournaments.

4. Can Better Ball be played with mixed genders?

Yes, Better Ball can easily accommodate mixed-gender teams, allowing players with diverse skill sets and backgrounds to compete together. This element of inclusivity is one of the many reasons why Better Ball is a popular format across various golfing communities.

5. What if there’s a tie in scoring at the end of 18 holes in a Better Ball event?

In case of a tie, organizers may use a variety of methods to determine a winner. Some common practices include scorecard playoffs by comparing scores across tied teams’ specific holes or playing sudden-death extra holes to break the tie.

golfuniverse from Golf Universe

Written by the founder of, a lifelong golf enthusiast with over 22 years of experience on the green. An accomplished player and coach, his passion for the sport is reflected in his insightful posts. His goal? To empower players of all levels with knowledge, share the love for the game, and guide you to hit the perfect swing.

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