Golf Universe

What Is a Pro Side in Golf?

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What Is a Pro Side in Golf?

A Pro Side in golf refers to the side of the hole on a putting green where the ball has a higher probability of dropping, typically on a breaking putt. Pro sides are identified based on the slope and green speed, and putting towards this side is considered a smart strategy for minimizing putting errors and maximizing the chances of making the putt.

Understanding Pro Side in Golf

A Pro Side in golf refers to the side of the hole on the putting green where there is a higher probability of the ball falling into the hole when putting, particularly on breaking putts. Identifying the Pro Side of a putt can significantly improve your chances of making it, as it helps you play smarter and reduce errors during your putts.

Identifying the Pro Side on Greens

Green Slope and Contour

One of the critical elements in identifying the Pro Side of a putt is observing the slope and contour of the green. Greens with noticeable slopes in one direction have a tilt that will cause the ball to break (or curve) during its roll towards the hole. If the ball is aimed towards the high side (the side with the most slope) of the hole, it has a higher chance of being pulled into the cup by gravity than if it were aimed at the low side.

Green Speed and Putt Break

Another factor in determining the Pro Side of the hole is the speed of the greens, as it affects the break and travel of the ball. On fast greens, the ball may travel farther and break more due to less resistance against the surface, making it crucial to aim on the correct side of the hole. As you practice on different greens, pay attention to how fast the ball rolls and how much break you experience during putts to better understand which side to target.

Utilizing the Pro Side to Improve Your Putts

Reading the Break

To maximize the effectiveness of aiming on the Pro Side, learn to read the break on the green correctly. Analyzing the slope, contour, the speed of the green, and any imperfections (dead grass or debris) will help you visualize the ball’s travel path and allow you to set an accurate putting line.

Commit to Your Target Line

Once you have identified the Pro Side and chosen your target line, trust your decision and make a smooth, confident stroke. Consistency and confidence in your putting stroke will help you take full advantage of aiming towards the Pro Side.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice reading greens and targeting the Pro Side, the better you will become at making those critical putts. Incorporate reading putts and aiming on the Pro Side in your regular putting practice routine to improve your overall putting performance.

The Importance of Putt Strategy in Golf

Putting is often said to be the most important aspect of golf, as it can make or break your score. That’s why understanding the concept of a Pro Side and incorporating it into your putting strategy can give you an edge on the greens. At Golf Universe, we believe that mastering these finer aspects of the game can significantly improve your putting performance and elevate your golfing experience.

Learn from the Pros

Many professional golfers have mastered the art of identifying the Pro Side and other nuances on the greens that allow them to sink challenging putts under high-pressure situations. Watching and studying their approach, technique, and decision-making can provide valuable insights and show how understanding the Pro Side can be a game-changer in competitive golf.

‘Golf Universe’ Tips for Identifying Pro Side

As a blog about golf, we at Golf Universe want to share some actionable tips, developed through various experiences and insights, to help you identify and utilize the Pro Side on the greens:

  1. Focus on the fall line: Observing the imaginary line where water would flow if the green were a flat surface, also called the fall line, will give you crucial information about the direction of a slope, helping you determine the Pro Side accurately.
  2. Trust your intuition: Sometimes, the first impression of the slope or contour might be accurate. Trust your intuition and align your shot accordingly to ensure the optimal placement of the ball on the Pro Side.
  3. Consider different perspectives: Walk around the hole to consider different perspectives to help you visualize the putt line and slope more accurately.
  4. Experiment with various putters: Depending on the green speed and slope, experimenting with various putters and their respective lofts will enable you to find the ideal putter to navigate the greens correctly and optimize your Pro Side strategy.

Implement these tips to hone your ability to identify the Pro Side, and do not hesitate to tweak your approach to find what works best for you. Continually refining your putting strategies and learning from the best will allow you to achieve greater success on the greens and, ultimately, enjoy the wonderful game of golf that much more.

FAQ Section: Understanding Pro Side in Golf

For further clarification and understanding, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the concept of the Pro Side in golf. We hope these short and precise answers will address any lingering questions or concerns you may have after reading the blog post.

1. Why is it called the “Pro Side”?

It’s called the “Pro Side” because professional golfers are more likely to target this side due to its higher probability of leading to a successful putt. Beginners and amateurs can benefit from adopting this strategy to improve their putting success.

2. Does identifying the Pro Side guarantee a successful putt?

No, identifying the Pro Side does not guarantee a successful putt, but it significantly increases the probability of sinking the putt. Ultimately, factors like your putting technique, green conditions, and confidence also play a crucial role in determining success.

3. How can I improve my ability to read the green?

Improving your ability to read the green requires practice and experience. You can enhance your green-reading skills by spending more time on different greens, paying attention to their slopes, contours, and speed, and using a green reading book or a digital green-reading tool.

4. Can green speed change during a round of golf?

Yes, green speed can change during a round of golf, especially due to factors like weather conditions, time of day, and maintenance activities. Adapting your putting strategy based on changing green speed is essential to optimize your Pro Side approach and overall performance.

5. Is using the Pro Side strategy effective on all types of greens?

While the effectiveness of the Pro Side strategy may vary based on factors like green type, condition, and difficulty, it can contribute to a better putting performance on most greens. Mastering the Pro Side concept will help you make more informed decisions about your putting line on various greens, leading to an overall improvement in your golf game.

golfuniverse from Golf Universe

Written by the founder of, a lifelong golf enthusiast with over 22 years of experience on the green. An accomplished player and coach, his passion for the sport is reflected in his insightful posts. His goal? To empower players of all levels with knowledge, share the love for the game, and guide you to hit the perfect swing.

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