Golf Universe

What Is a Plus Handicap in Golf?

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What Is a Plus Handicap in Golf?

A plus handicap in golf is a handicap given to highly skilled golfers whose scoring average is below the course rating. It represents a golfer’s ability to consistently shoot scores better than the specified course difficulty, ultimately resulting in a negative handicap.

Understanding the Plus Handicap in Golf

In the world of golf, handicaps serve as a great equalizer, allowing players of various skill levels to compete on a level playing field. The vast majority of golfers have positive handicaps, which means they usually score over par. However, there’s a unique group of highly skilled golfers who possess a “plus handicap.” Let’s dive into understanding what exactly a plus handicap in golf is and its implications.

Defining the Plus Handicap

A plus handicap is a negative handicap value assigned to golfers whose scoring average is consistently below the course rating. This denotes that the golfer has the ability to routinely shoot scores better than the specified difficulty level of a course. In essence, a plus handicap golfer is among an elite group of players who can play to a level that exceeds the standard golfer.

Interpreting the Plus Handicap

In order to fully appreciate a plus handicap, it’s essential to comprehend how handicaps are calculated. Golf handicaps are determined using a player’s recent performances, including the course and slope rating, adjusted gross scores, and the handicap index.

Course and Slope Rating

The course rating indicates the difficulty level of a golf course for a scratch golfer, while the slope rating measures the relative difficulty for a bogey golfer. These two parameters are used in the handicap calculation to reflect a player’s skill level on a particular course.

Adjusted Gross Scores

Adjusted gross scores are the actual scores of a golfer, which have been modified according to the Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) guidelines. ESC ensures that exceptionally high hole scores do not significantly impact a player’s handicap calculations.

Handicap Index

A golfer’s handicap index is a measure of their potential ability, taking into account the best scores out of their recent rounds. When the handicap index is calculated, and a negative value results, it indicates that the player consistently performs better than the course rating. This negative handicap value becomes the plus handicap.

Balancing the Competition

A plus handicap is crucial in competitive golf, as it allows elite golfers to compete with each other fairly. As a player with a plus handicap moves between different courses, their handicap will still provide an accurate representation of their skill level, ensuring that the competition remains balanced.


While the plus handicap concept may seem like an unconventional aspect of golf, it plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of competitive golf. By understanding a plus handicap and its implications on a player’s skill level, you can better appreciate the complexities of the sport and the competitive nature of elite golfers.

The Exclusive Club of Plus Handicap Golfers

Playing at a plus handicap level is a testament to the golfer’s dedication and skill. This zone is often occupied by professional golfers, elite amateurs, and avid players who have worked relentlessly on their game. Golfers who can consistently perform to this degree demonstrate precision, strategy, and a deep understanding of the sport. These are the players who inspire others to step up their game and push the boundaries of excellence in golf.

Golf Universe: Your Guide to Exceptional Golfing

At Golf Universe, we understand the unwavering commitment and passion required to excel in the great game of golf. Our blog serves as an essential resource for golfers of all levels, guiding you through the intricacies of the sport, including information about plus handicaps and beyond.

Equipment for Plus Handicap Golfers

While reaching a plus handicap level speaks volumes about a golfer’s skill, the quality of equipment they use should not be underestimated. Playing with top-tier golf clubs, balls, and gear designed to optimize performance can make a significant difference on the golf course. Providing insights on the latest advancements in golf equipment, Golf Universe is committed to assisting golfers in enhancing their game and overall experience on the green.

Discovering Hidden Gems in the Golf Universe

Playing versatile and challenging courses is essential for the plus handicap golfer looking to hone their skills further. Golf Universe’s well-curated selection of exceptional golf courses, both famous and lesser-known, will help guide you to locations that offer engaging and stimulating experiences. So, if you’re seeking additional opportunities to test your plus handicap, look no further. Our expert team is here to help you discover the very best golfing experiences the world has to offer. Explore our blog and let us be your trusted guide in your journey to golfing excellence.

FAQ Section: Plus Handicap in Golf

If you’ve just finished reading our comprehensive blog post on plus handicaps and still have questions, we’ve got you covered. Here, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide further insight and clarity on the topic of plus handicaps in golf.

Do professional golfers have a plus handicap?

Yes, many professional golfers often have a plus handicap. This is because they consistently score better than the course rating, which indicates their high level of skill and proficiency in the game.

What is the difference between a scratch golfer and a plus handicap golfer?

A scratch golfer is a player with a handicap of zero, meaning they typically shoot even par on any given course. A plus handicap golfer, on the other hand, has a negative handicap. This means they consistently perform better than the course rating, reflecting their exceptional golfing abilities.

How can I improve my game to achieve a plus handicap?

Achieving a plus handicap requires dedication, practice, and effective skill-building. Focus on improving your swing mechanics, short game, putting, course management, and mental aspect of the game. Seeking expert coaching and investing in high-quality equipment can also greatly impact your performance.

Is a lower plus handicap better than a higher plus handicap?

Yes, a lower plus handicap represents a higher level of skill compared to a higher plus handicap. Just as a lower positive handicap is better than a higher positive handicap, the same logic applies to plus handicaps.

Do plus handicap golfers still benefit from a formal golf handicap system?

Yes, plus handicap golfers still benefit from the formal golf handicap system as it allows them to compete fairly with golfers of varying skill levels. Additionally, the handicap system allows plus handicap golfers to accurately gauge their abilities when playing on different courses, ensuring a balanced competition.

golfuniverse from Golf Universe

Written by the founder of, a lifelong golf enthusiast with over 22 years of experience on the green. An accomplished player and coach, his passion for the sport is reflected in his insightful posts. His goal? To empower players of all levels with knowledge, share the love for the game, and guide you to hit the perfect swing.

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