Golf Universe

How To Remove Speed Limiter On Electric Golf Cart?

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How To Remove Speed Limiter On Electric Golf Cart?

To remove the speed limiter on an electric golf cart, follow these steps: 1) Locate the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) – typically under the seat or in the rear compartment, 2) Identify the speed limiter settings, which could be physical switches, dials, or a software setting, 3) Adjust the settings for a higher top speed, or remove any restricting components, and 4) Test the golf cart to confirm the increased speed. Note that changing the speed limiter could void the warranty and may not be legal in some areas.

Understanding Electric Golf Cart Speed Limiters

Electric golf carts are designed with speed limiters to comply with safety regulations and prevent accidents. These limiters control the top speed of the golf cart, usually set between 10-20 mph. While they are necessary for safety and legal compliance, some users may seek to increase the speed of their golf cart for various reasons. In this post, we will discuss how to remove the speed limiter on your electric golf cart, but it’s important to note that doing so could void the warranty and may not be legal in some areas.

Locating and Understanding the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)

The ESC is the component responsible for regulating the speed of your electric golf cart. It is typically located under the seat or in the rear compartment of the golf cart. Understanding the ESC’s design and function is essential for adjusting the speed limiter settings.

Types of Speed Controllers

There are two main types of ESCs that you may find on your electric golf cart: Series-based controllers and separately excited (SEPEX) controllers. While both types have different configurations, they both can be adjusted to increase the speed of your golf cart by tweaking or removing limiting components.

Removing or Adjusting the Speed Limiter

Once you’ve located your golf cart’s ESC, the next step is to identify the speed limiter settings, which could either be physical switches and dials or software settings. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Physical Switches or Dials – Locate any switches or dials on your ESC that control the speed limit. Adjust the settings to a higher top speed or remove any restricting components like resistors or jumper wires.
  2. Software Settings – Some golf carts utilize software settings to control the speed limiter. This can be modified using a specific programmer device or tweaking the controller’s programming itself. Consult your golf cart manufacturer or a knowledgeable professional for guidance.

Testing and Safety Considerations

After making the necessary adjustments to your speed limiter, it’s essential to test your golf cart. Safely drive your golf cart in a controlled environment and observe its new top speed.

Remember, tampering with the speed limiter can void the warranty on your electric golf cart and may not be legal in some areas. Be responsible and adhere to local regulations when modifying your golf cart’s speed, and always prioritize safety when using your golf cart.

Taking Precautions When Modifying Your Electric Golf Cart

Before making any modifications to your electric golf cart, it’s crucial to think about the potential consequences and effects on its performance. Ultimately, the team at Golf Universe, your go-to blog about golf, wants you to stay safe while enjoying the game. When considering removing the speed limiter, keep in mind the below points:

  • Know your local laws and regulations regarding golf cart speeds as they may prohibit or limit modifications.
  • Wear proper safety gear, such as helmets, while driving your modified golf cart to protect against possible accidents.
  • Follow routine maintenance checks and services on your golf cart to ensure it stays in optimal condition after modifications.

Alternative Upgrades to Improve Golf Cart Performance

If removing the speed limiter isn’t the right choice for you, there are other performance-enhancing upgrades you can consider instead. Here at Golf Universe, we recommend exploring the following options:

  1. Upgrade the batteries – Opt for a higher voltage battery pack to improve your electric golf cart’s overall performance.
  2. Upgrade the motor – A more powerful motor will allow for increased torque, acceleration, and power, improving the overall driving experience.
  3. Add high-performance tires – High-quality tires with better traction can improve your golf cart’s handling and stability.
  4. Invest in suspension upgrades – Enhanced suspension systems can provide a smoother and more comfortable ride on challenging terrain.

Always consult with a qualified professional before making any substantial alterations to your golf cart. These suggested upgrades not only maintain your golf cart’s safety features but can also improve your on-course efficiency.

Stay Informed with Golf Universe

When it comes to golf cart modifications and all things golf-related, Golf Universe is your trusted source. Our blog aims to provide a wealth of information, suggestions, and opinions on the sport we love. Keep in mind that enhancing your golf cart is an essential part of reflecting your personality and improving your golfing experience, but always prioritize safety and adhere to local regulations. Happy golfing!

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions related to electric golf cart speed limiters and modifications. We hope these brief answers help you gain a better understanding of the nuances and concerns when considering such golf cart modifications.

1. Will removing the speed limiter void my golf cart warranty?

Yes, removing or modifying the speed limiter on your electric golf cart will likely void its warranty. It’s important to check with your golf cart manufacturer for specific warranty terms and guidelines before making any changes.

2. Is it legal to remove the speed limiter on my electric golf cart?

Depending on your local laws and regulations, it may be illegal to remove or modify the speed limiter on your electric golf cart. It’s essential to research and adhere to local regulations to avoid potential fines or legal woes.

3. How much faster can my electric golf cart go after removing the speed limiter?

After removing the speed limiter, the top speed achievable depends on various factors like the cart’s make, model, and motor capabilities. Typically, you can expect an increase of anywhere between 5-15 mph. However, it’s important to prioritize safety and local regulations.

4. Can I revert the modifications if I’m not satisfied with the results?

Yes, it is possible to revert changes made to the speed limiter if you find that the modified settings do not provide the desired performance or create safety concerns. However, keep in mind that reversing modifications may not reinstate your warranty if it was voided by the initial changes.

5. Are there any risks involved in removing the speed limiter?

Removing the speed limiter can pose potential risks, including a higher likelihood of accidents and less control over the golf cart due to increased speed. Also, modifying the speed limiter may void the warranty and could lead to legal issues if not compliant with local regulations. Always prioritize safety when making any modifications.

golfuniverse from Golf Universe

Written by the founder of, a lifelong golf enthusiast with over 22 years of experience on the green. An accomplished player and coach, his passion for the sport is reflected in his insightful posts. His goal? To empower players of all levels with knowledge, share the love for the game, and guide you to hit the perfect swing.

Categories Golf Carts